Bodyfix Yoga
Yoga Made Easy
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At BodyFix, we conduct classes in Ryoho Style Yoga. Ryoho style yoga is based on a combination of Chinese medicine, Shiatsu and Yoga and is complimented with a macrobiotic diet.

Bodyfix yoga delivers therapy to access the problem areas of the body through specifically designed yoga poses / corrective exercises. These poses are tailored to your ability and they progress as the body gets stronger and more flexible.

These corrective exercises are designed to improve functional disorders caused by poor lifestyle choices.

In Turn, the loss of correct function will either cause direct discomfort in a main effected area or will manifest as pain in another part of the body.
The classes at BodyFix yoga are about reinstating a relationship with a part of your body that is no longer working to its full potential.
Once you become more in tune with your mind, body & spirit, you will be able to recognise and stop doing what is actually making you ill.

It should be understood that yoga is over 5000 years old and the first writings about Traditional Chinese Medicine date back to 200 B.C.E.
These two things combined provide a vast array of knowledge and experience in dealing with health and healing.
If the practices of both yoga and Chinese medicine were completely wrong, they would not have survived for so many years.

So come join us and experience the freedom of a healthy body & mind!

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